ADNeT Memory and Cognition Clinic Guidelines
New and Updated ADNeT Memory and Cognition Clinic Guidelines – Version 2
We are pleased to announce the new and updated version of the ADNeT Memory and Cognition Clinic Guidelines
Since the Guidelines’ publication in November 2021, we have completed a pilot implementation phase in seven Memory Clinics across five states, allowing us to receive in-depth feedback to improve the Guidelines’ clarity and facilitate implementation. Furthermore, we conducted in-depth stakeholder consultations with clinical and lived experience experts to include standards around dementia in people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and people with intellectual disability. As a result, two new sections for Memory and Cognition Clinic clients with diverse needs are included in Version 2.
Available for Download
Open for consultation
The ADNeT Memory and Cognition Clinic Guidelines is a living document of which we are constantly striving to make improvements to ensure that the Standards reflect the latest best practice for the specialist assessment and care of Australians with mild cognitive impairment and dementia. As such, Version 2 of the Guidelines is open for public consultation. Please follow the link below, if you wish to provide feedback, input and further considerations on the Guidelines.
Your feedback will help us to understand how to facilitate the Guidelines’ implementation across all Australian Memory and Cognition Clinics and how we could further improve on the document.
We thank the Members of the ADNeT-Memory Clinics Steering Committee and the ADNeT research team for their ongoing support, input and feedback. Our special thanks go to Profs Perminder Sachdev and Sharon Naismith for their leadership in this project. We further thank the clinicians from all across Australia, who have found the time to contribute to the development of these guidelines and enriched it with their clinical practice and expertise. We are very grateful to all the people living with dementia and all care partners who provided their insights and helped us to develop and highlight care Standards that are of particular importance to them. Thank you very much for all your work, time, passion and knowledge you brought to this project. We would further like to thank Dementia Australia for enabling us to involve a large number of the Dementia Advocates from all Australian states and territories. We thank the Australian Council for Intellectual Disability and UNSW’s Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (3DN), in particular Prof Julian Trollor, for their support and insight during the development of the newly added Standards for Memory and Cognition Clinic clients with Intellectual Disability. We would also like to thank all the multi-cultural and multi-lingual clinicians and dementia advocates who provided their insights to the development of the Standards for clients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We believe that the two newly added sections greatly increased value of the Guidelines. Lastly, we would like to thank all the Memory and Cognition Clinics who participated in the Monitoring and Quality improvement pilot project, implemented the first version of the Guidelines and provided us with their feedback. We greatly appreciate the time commitment and work of all staff members involved. Your input has greatly contributed to the changes and improvements of the Guidelines and the development of this second iteration.
The development, publication and dissemination of these Guidelines were funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council – Boosting Dementia Grant (APP1152623): The Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT), 2018, $18Million. ADNeT-Memory Clinics received funding and support from this grant. During the development of this updated second iteration of the Guidelines, ADNeT has further received funding support from the Australian Department of Health. The views and interests of the funding bodies did not influence the content of these Guidelines.